We Are

About us

About us

We’re DibPine 100% Pure and Natural Honey from the “KEEPERS OF THE FOREST”. We live on hills clothed in pine trees and in lush, un-spoilt valleys where the air is clean and the rainfall is fresh. Where DibPine Bees are busy working to harvest nature’s bounty keeping the forest healthy taking only what they need to make pure, natural honey for you to enjoy.


“Let Our Forests ReGrow ”

Be part of a robust and globally consistent climate mitigation strategy, which could suck up 8.9 metric tons of carbon dioxide every year, the equivalent of a quarter of human-made emissions.
Apiaries help guarantee sustainability and fulfill part of the growing gap in Quality Honey demand without competing with local producers or traditional retail honey brands foreign or domestic.


“Do Business Doing Good, Naturally!”

Do Business:

Fill the increasing gap in Natural Honey supply which is measured at @3.3% annually.

Doing Good:

Play a major role in the maintenance of biodiversity and pollination of crops. Strongly influence ecological relationships, ecosystem conservation, and stability, genetic variation in the plant community, floral diversity, specialization, and evolution.


Reforestation of Jordan Reserves in collaboration of local universities and the support of their communities to promote wider public support and action for the protection of our natural environment within Jordan and neighboring countries