Oak honey

Oak honey is harvested from the honeydew produced in the bark of the trunk of the ancient oak tree combined with the varieties of the wild Herbs of the forest. The beehives moved to the Virgin oak forest of Evritania Greece at harvesting this excellent quality of honey.

Health Benefits:  Oak honey is characterized as honey of very high nutritional value. Rich in antioxidants and minerals, it contains large quantities of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sodium. The enzymes it contains support metabolism and vital organ function. Beneficial for the digestive system.

Flavour: Aromatic, rich velvety flavours of molasses, notes of vanilla, walnuts and dates, dark chocolate.

Colour: Dark brown almost black.

Pine honey health benefits

Pine honey health benefits

Colour: brownish amber-dark amber Flavor: malty, resinous, less sweet than other honeys Intensity of flavor: medium-strong Water content: low, under 18% Viscosity: medium Fructose content: 37% Glucose content: 32% Disaccharides content: 11% Melezitose content: 3%...

Turmeric honey

Turmeric honey

The golden honey. What is turmeric good for? I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about it, but still wonder what is turmeric good for. For real. Here are its main health benefits, the ones that are well researched and studied. (It is said it can cure over 650 conditions.) The...

Manuka Honey Benefits

Manuka Honey Benefits

Manuka HoneyComing from manuka, a tree that grows only in New Zealand and southeastern Australia, manuka honey is different from other honeys and it has gained a well deserved reputation. With a really strong flavor, people often described it as: earthy, oily,...